Saturday, November 26, 2016

Educated Mothers

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope your holiday was wonderful and that you were able to spend it with the most important people in your life. It's not often that I get to see my family these days, so I am thankful for holidays that make it possible for me to see them.

I have noticed as of late that mothers get a lot of flack from society for choosing to stay home and raise their children. For some reason, it is widely believed that women who opt to be a full time mother are not as educated as those who pursue a full time career. This is simply not true.

So. What exactly is the definition of education? Society seems to universally use the term "education" to mean a formal education. This would imply that those who don't seek higher education, like a college degree, are not as educated. I think this is where the misconception comes from. Although one of the definitions of education would include learning from school, there are other definitions. One that I personally liked is "an enlightening experience." Such experiences can come from anywhere.

My mother did not graduate from college. Do I think that she is uneducated? Not even close. My mother has taught me more skills than any of my 15 years of schooling have. To be completely honest, I still call her for information on a myriad of problems that I face on a daily basis. for example, I am so completely terrified of contracting salmonella that I call my mom every single time that I prepare chicken.

Even though my mom did not graduate from college, she did teach me the importance of a formal education. She has been my motivation from day one of college. However, she also taught me that the most important work I will ever do will be within the walls of my own home with my own children. My family will always come first, before any career that I might qualify for.

Being a mother does not have monetary value attached and because of this, it is not as simple to see the value in motherhood. Everything is about money in our day. So you have a career and money. . . now what? On your deathbed, you are not going to be concerned with how much money you have. You may, however, regret not forming closer relationships with those you love.

Family work is so important. Being a full time mother might be the most important "career" that any of us women will have in this life. Let's try not to be so caught up in money and careers that we lose sight of the face that there is "value in families."

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